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data optimization in machine learning

data optimization in machine learning

Machine learning models can either work entirely off of a historical data set, live data, or – as is most often the case – a combination of the two. Besides data fitting, there are are various kind of optimization problem. Keep in mind that I’ve only described the optimization process at a fairly rudimentary level. To train a neuron, the process is summarized as forward propagation in which the input data is used to calculate trainable parameters that become the input to an activation function, the … Machine learning optimization is the process of adjusting the hyperparameters in order to minimize the cost function by using one of the optimization techniques. Often, newcomers in data science (DS) and machine learning (ML) are advised to learn all they can on statistics and linear algebra. In order to do this, we need to determine the coefficients of the formula we are … To build such models, we need to study about various optimization algorithms in deep learning.. Now you can generate some descendants with similar hyperparameters to the best models to get a second generation of models. This makes a brute-force search inefficient in the majority of real-life cases. What we need to do is subtract a fraction of the gradient. This puts us somewhere in the parameter space with some cost value. This powerful paradigm has led to major advances in … For example, large scale distributed machine learning … Before we go any further, we need to understand the difference between parameters and hyperparameters of a model. What we want to adjust are the parameters \(\theta_0\) and \(\theta_1\). Genetic algorithms represent another approach to ML optimization. RMSProp is useful to normalize the gradient itself because it balances out the step size. That is, the further away we are from the minimum, the faster we descend towards it; the closer we get, the slower we approach. # wrangle results into something readable, A Deep Dive Into How R Fits a Linear Model. In machine learning, the specific model you are using is the function and requires parameters in order to make a prediction on new data. In reality, we won’t know what value of \(x\) achieves the minimum, only that moving in the opposite direction of the gradient can move us towards the minimum. If it’s too small, the computation will start mimicking exhaustive search take, which is, of course, inefficient. Here, I generate data according to the formula \(y = 2x + 5\) with some added noise to simulate measuring data in the real world. Note: In gradient descent, you proceed forward with steps of the same size. You can see after the first 2000 iterations, its value is just over 4. So if we could dynamically adapt the learning rate, we could conceivably get closer to the minimum with less iterations. In simple words, the heart of machine learning is an optimization. We now find the partial derivative of \(J\) with respect to \(\theta_0\). Based on values we select for them, we can calculate the cost using the cost function \(J(\theta)\). In fact, since we can multiply by any number, you’ll typically see \(\frac{1}{2n}\) instead of \(\frac{1}{n}\) as it makes the ensuing calculus a bit easier. We’ll see this again when I cover Gradient Descent shortly. Incidentally, it would take another 30,000 iterations at the 0.001 learning rate to achieve the same results as lm and optim to 6 decimal places. Since we are varying two parameters simultaneously in our quest for the best estimates that minimize the RSS, we are searching a 2D parameter space. It is important to minimize the cost function because it describes the discrepancy between the true value of the estimated parameter and what the model has predicted. Exhaustive search, or brute-force search, is the process of looking for the most optimal hyperparameters by checking whether each candidate is a good match. Implementing a rough working version of gradient descent is actually quite easy. However, I’ll use a very simple, meaningless dataset so we can focus on the optimization. For example, with a learning rate \(\alpha=0.1\). For \(\theta_1\), it’s hard to notice the change. While it is not used in practice in its pure and simple form, it is a good pedagogical tool for illustrating the basic concepts of numerical optimization. How to explore Neural networks, the black box ? To tune the model, we need hyperparameter optimization. Let’s look at a simple example that only involves \(x\) and \(y\). If not given, chosen to be one of BFGS, L-BFGS-B, SLSQP, depending if the problem has constraints or bounds. Genetic algorithms help to avoid being stuck at local minima/maxima. Among multiple models with some predefined hyperparameters, some are better adjusted than the others. Then, you keep only those that worked out best. A learning algorithm is an algorithm that learns the unknown model parameters based on data patterns. After each iteration, you compare the output with expected results, assess the accuracy, and adjust the hyperparameters if necessary. If \(y = x^2\) then the gradient at any point \(x\) is defined by \(\frac{dy}{dx} = 2x\). The interplay between optimization and machine learning is one of the most important developments in modern computational science. # Here, I've chosen something that I know if fairly close to the solution. That is why other optimization algorithms are often used. The \(\theta\) subscript in \(h_{\theta}\) is to remind you that \(h\) is a function of \(\theta\) which is important when taking the partial derivative, which we’ll see shortly. Now let us talk about the techniques that you can use to optimize the hyperparameters of your model. In any case, the model must first be trained using an initial data set before it can begin price optimization. An up-to-date account of the interplay between optimization and machine learning, accessible to students and researchers in both communities. NOTE: The cost function varies depending on the objective of your model. More on optim later. In this example, if we move by the full value of the gradient, we’d overshoot the minimum and start to ascend on the other side. On the other hand, if we were trying to classify data (binary or multinomial logistic regression), we’d use a different cost function. In fact, most of the time you won’t be able to change the optimization method. This gives each parameter a direction to move in such that it contributes to a lower overall cost. Try changing the math in the gradient function to convince yourself that optim really used our gradient function. But this minimum value should be close to the actual minimum. Notice that as we move closer to the minimum, the gradient decreases which means that we move in smaller increments as we approach the minimum which is precisely what we want. How do you know which specimens are and aren’t the best in the case of machine learning models? What we want, however, is to move in the opposite direction. We’ve just used gradient descent to move a bit closer to the minimum. Let’s do another 20,000 iterations, then compare the results to lm and optim. Decision Tree Boosting Techniques compared, On the other hand, the parameters of the model are obtained, If you’re interested in optimizing neural networks and comparing the effectiveness of different optimizers, take a look at, You can also study how to optimize models with reinforcement learning via. If we go back to our original toy dataset, our \(x\) and \(y\) values are fixed by our data. With a learning rate \(\alpha\), we’d adjust \(x\) as follows. Next, let’s explore how to train a simple … In this example, we’re trying to fit a line to a set of points. Because of this, the gradient can go in the wrong direction and become very computationally expensive. While the RSS measures the model’s goodness of fit, it can grow really large, especially as the number of data examples (sample size) increases. The first step towards implementing one is understanding how data are linked to … It is important to use good, cutting-edge algorithms for deep learning instead of generic ones since training takes so much computing power. Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is the simplest optimization algorithm used to find parameters which minimizes the given cost function. Its initial value was zero but after the first 2000 iterations, it had already overshot the minimum and then very slowly moved into place. In order to perform gradient descent, you have to iterate over the training dataset while readjusting the model. \[MSE = \frac{1}{n} \sum\limits_{i=1}^n (y_i - \hat{y_i})^2\]. Given an initial set of parameters, the function (fn) whose parameters we’re trying to solve and a function for the gradient of fn, optim can compute the optimal values for the parameters. many local minima? We seek to lower this cost through optimization. Our rudimentary gradient_descent function does pretty well. So, after we calculate this cost, how do we adjust \(\theta_0\) and \(\theta_1\) such that the cost goes down? There are nuances that I’ve omitted. The problem is further exacerbated when we struggle to make use of the data through effective machine learning optimization algorithms. This article will use the Gradient Descent optimization algorithm to explain the optimization process. To recap, we’re trying to solve the function \(h_{\theta}\) for \(\theta_0\) and \(\theta_1\). You can immediately see that a value of approximately \(5.2\) for \(\theta_0\) will give the minimum RSS value. Recall we started with \(\theta_0 = 3\). For the demonstration purpose, imagine following graphical representation for the cost function. But you can’t know in advance, for instance, which learning rate (large or small) is best in a given case. This is a two-dimensional plot of the data. Likewise, machine learning has contributed to optimization, driving the development of new optimization approaches that address the significant challenges presented by machine … It discusses the optimization methods that 2. Abstract This chapter introduces the fundamentals of algorithms in the context of data mining, optimization, and machine learning, including the feasibility, constraints, optimality, Lagrange … We used it earlier to estimate \(\theta_0\) and \(\theta_1\) to compare it with our gradient descent solution. Attribution: Code folding blocks from endtoend.ai’s blog post, Collapsible Code Blocks in GitHub Pages. Hyperparameter optimization in machine learning intends to find the hyperparameters of a given machine learning algorithm that deliver the best performance as measured on a validation set. Code tutorials, advice, career opportunities, and more! At this point, our gradient has changed. Apparently, for gradient descent to converge to optimal minimum, cost function should be convex. As mentioned earlier, you can see that along the \(\theta_0\) axis (looking across the row values), the rate of change in value is lower than along the \(\theta_1\) axis (looking up and down the row values), which explains the shape of the surface in the 3D plot. A modified version of BFGS. In the following video, you will find a step-by-step explanation of how gradient descent works: Looks fine so far. We expect to get something close to \(m=2\) and \(c=5\). Gradient descent is the most common model optimization algorithm for minimizing error. The exhaustive search method is simple. \[x_{new} = x_{old} - \alpha\frac{dy}{dx} \biggr\rvert_{x=x_{old}}\]. Applied Optimization for Wireless, Machine Learning, Big Data By Prof. Aditya K. Jagannatham | IIT Kanpur This course is focused on developing the fundamental tools/ techniques in modern optimization as well as illustrating their applications in diverse fields such as Wireless Communication, Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Big-Data … To reduce the number of steps required, we could try to optimize the gradient_descent function by making the learning rate adaptive. Let’s find them! Optimization is how learning algorithms minimize their loss function. In this article, we will discuss the main types of ML optimization techniques. We have one derivative but need to adjust multiple (two in our case) parameters. Given a set of parameters, we calculate the gradient, move in the opposite direction of the gradient by a fraction of the gradient that we control with a learning_rate and repeat this for some number of iterations. Whether it’s handling and preparing datasets for model training, pruning model weights, tuning parameters, or any number of other approaches and techniques, optimizing machine learning … First, you calculate the accuracy of each model. We’ll focus on values of \(\theta_0\) just below and above the true value of \(5\) while keeping the value of \(\theta_1\) fixed at the estimated value (according to lm). In machine learning, we usually refer to the coefficients as parameters and symbolize them with the Greek letter \(\theta\) so let’s rewrite the formula as \(y = \theta_0 + \theta_1x\). It should be noted that optim can solve this problem without a gradient function but can work more efficiently with it. It does the same thing as the one above. In machine learning, this is done by numerical optimization. The loss function represents the difference between predicted and actual values, so machine learning use optimization … This is a repeated process. First, let’s skip ahead and fit a linear model using R’s lm to see what the estimates are. However, classical gradient descent will not work well when there are a couple of local minima. Take a look, Computer Vision Part 7: Instance Segmentation, Deploying ML Models as Web Application in a Blink of an Eye, Artificial Neural Network From Scratch Using Python Numpy, How to scrape Google for Images to train your Machine Learning classifiers on. When you are not able to improve (decrease the error) anymore, the optimization is over and you have found a local minimum. It can even work with the smallest batches. For our dataset of \(n\) examples, the MSE is simply \(\frac{RSS}{n}\). These two notions are easy to confuse, but we should not. So, just getting the gradient at a specific point tells me the direction of ascent. Finally, it’s worth noting that the optimization process in artificial neural networks (ANN), while based on the same idea of minimizing a cost function, is a bit more involved. This fraction is called the learning rate. It’s now \(\frac{dy}{dx}\rvert_{x=0.8} = 1.6\). The optimization … Our gradient function works as expected. Thankfully, you’ll rarely need to know the gory details in practice. We start with defining some random initial values for parameters. Machine learning is a method of data analysis that automates analytical model building. In machine learning, we do the same thing, but the number of options is usually quite large. Let’s say we pick random values for \(\theta_0\) and \(\theta_1\). The application of machine learning algorithms to existing monitoring data provides an opportunity to significantly improve DC operating efficiency. As the antennas are becoming more and more complex each day, antenna designers can take advantage of machine … To measure the “cost” of a particular combination of parameters, let’s look the the mean squared error (MSE) instead. This paper reviews recent advances in the field of optimization under uncertainty via a modern data lens, highlights key research challenges and promise of data-driven optimization that organically integrates machine learning … It’s just the lowest value that we’ve computed for all the combinations of \(\theta_0\) and \(\theta_1\) that were chosen for the discrete grid. However, if there are hundreds or thousands of options that you have to consider, it becomes unbearably heavy and slow. We want to minimize this cost. Whether a model has a fixed or variable number of parameters … The Python SciPy package has the scipy.optimize.minimize function for minimization using several numerical optimization methods, including Nelder-Mead, CG, BFGS and many more. We thus find the partial derivatives with respect to each parameter. Supervised machine learning is an optimization problem in which we are seeking to minimize some cost function, usually by some numerical optimization method. In this step, the data previously gathered is used to train the Machine Learning models. Thus, the dataset is huge and distributed across several computing nodes. To move the point \(p2\) towards the minimum, we need to decrease \(x\). And in code. Software DevelopmentData Science & Engineering, A Deep Dive into A/B Testing Fundamentals, An Introduction to Machine Learning Optimization, Setting up R on macOS 10.15 Catalina (Complete Guide), Building with OpenMP on macOS 10.15 Catalina, # Number of examples (number of data points), # These are the true parameters we are trying to estimate, # This is the function to generate the data, # Generate the corresponding y values with some noise, # Construct z grid by computing predictions for all x/y pairs, # Here's an imperative version of the gradient descent function. Towards the end, I’ll briefly describe the optimization methods you can expect to find practice. In the evolution theory, only the specimens that have the best adaptation mechanisms get to survive and reproduce. If done right, gradient descent becomes a computation-efficient and rather quick method to optimize models. Likewise, a value of approximately \(2\) for \(\theta_1\) achieves the minimum RSS value. As a reminder, we’re trying to solve the following function. There is a wide variety of models that can be used in price optimization. If you’re having trouble with the calculus and want to understand it better, I encourage you to read Gradient Descent Derivation which does a good job at reviewing derivation rules like the power rule, the chain rule, and partial derivatives. Popular Optimization Algorithms In Deep Learning. It is hard and almost morally wrong to give general advice on how to optimize every ML model. With the advent of modern data collection methods, the size of the datasets used in ML applications have increased tremendously. Both lm and optim give the same results. These parameter helps to build a function. After 8000 iterations, we still haven’t reached the minimum. # Feel free to experiment with other values. The default method is an implementation of that of Nelder and Mead (1965), that uses only function values and is robust but relatively slow. If you see that the error is getting larger, that means you chose the wrong direction. OLS uses the residual sum of squares (RSS) as a measure of how well our model fits the data. We can find where in this grid lies the minimum RSS value. After the fourth set of iterations, its near the minimum. Now, let’s calculate these values for ourselves. Building a well optimized, deep learning model is always a dream. These are the best estimates for these data using the ordinary least squares (OLS) method. Adam Optimizer can handle the noise problem and even works with large datasets and parameters. A larger learning rate allows for a faster descent but will have the tendency to overshoot the minimum and then have to work its way back down from the other side. Optimization. Fun fact: Marcus Hutter solved Artificial General Intelligence a decade ago. If your function is not differentiable, you can start with this method. The disadvantage of this method is that it requires a lot of updates and the steps of gradient descent are noisy. Recognize linear, eigenvalue, convex optimization, and nonconvex optimization problems underlying engineering challenges. If you choose a learning rate that is too large, the algorithm will be jumping around without getting closer to the right answer. To see how the RSS varies with both parameters, we can show this as a 3D plot. We do not know if this is the best location that gives the lowest cost. The lower the value the better, hence we will be minimizing the RSS in determining suitable values for \(\theta_0\) and \(\theta_1\). The cost function is also known as the loss function but I prefer the term cost because intuitively, it’s telling us how expensive it is to use a specific combination of parameters. Imagine you have a bunch of random algorithms. It uses linear algebra to solve the equation \(X\beta=y\), using QR factorization for numerical stability, as detailed in A Deep Dive Into How R Fits a Linear Model. Before we attempt our gradient descent, let’s use the optim function from the stats package in R. It is a general-purpose optimization function that can use our mse_grad gradient function. For example, if we are trying to fit the equation \(y = ax^2 + bx + c\) to some dataset of \((x, y)\) value-pairs, we need to find the values of \(a\), \(b\) and \(c\) such that the equation best describes the data. Two dimensional data is good for illustrating optimization concepts so let’s starts with data with one feature paired with a response. Substituting \(h_{\theta}(x)\) (hypothesis function) for \(\hat{y}\) and multiplying by \(\frac{1}{2}\) to simplify the math to come, we can write the loss function as, \[J(\theta) = \frac{1}{2n} \sum\limits_{i=1}^n (y_i - h_{\theta}(x_i))^2\]. The utility of a strong foundation in those two subjects is beyond debate for a successful career in DS/ML. The above example involved adjusting one parameter, \(x\). The goal for optimization algorithm is to find parameter values which correspond to minimum value of cost function… This will be your population. In order to do this, we need to determine the coefficients of the formula we are trying to model. Code examples are in R and use some functionality from the tidyverse and plotly packages. It looks linear so it’s reasonable to model the data with a straight line. It’s now time to implement gradient descent. By finding the optimal combination of their values, we can decrease the error and build the most accurate model. In order to gain intuition into why we want to minimize the RSS, let’s vary the values of one of the parameters while keeping the other one constant. All that needs to be done now is figure out how to optimize … For e.g. You can do that manually or use one of the many optimization techniques that come in handy when you work with large amounts of data. That is why it is better to learn by example: A weekly newsletter sent every Friday with the best articles we published that week. Attribution: Original Plotly code for showing RSS of 2D parameter space in 3D was taken from a lecture in my Master of Data Science program at the University of British Columbia. where \(\hat{y_i}\) is the predicted or hypothesized value of \(y_i\) based on the parameters we choose for \(\theta\). Your goal is to minimize the cost function because it means you get the smallest possible error and improve the accuracy of the model. Machine learning is the set of optimization problems where the majority of constraints come from measured datapoints, as opposed to prior domain knowledge. BFGS is a popular method used for numerical optimization. You can see the logic behind this algorithm in this picture: We repeat this process many times, and only the best models will survive at the end of the process. Large-scale and distributed data. There is a series of videos about neural network optimization that cover these algorithms on deeplearning.ai, and we recommend viewing them. Almost all machine learning algorithms can be viewed as solutions to optimization problems and it is interesting that even in cases, where the original machine learning technique has a basis derived from other fields for example, from biology and so on one could still interpret all of these machine learning … Most optimization algorithms used in RL have … It will work reasonably well for non-differentiable functions. At \(p1\) the gradient is \(-2\) (negative) while at \(p2\) the gradient is \(2\) (positive). Machine Learning Model Optimization. R’s optim function is a general-purpose optimization function that implements several methods for numerical optimization. You perform the same thing when you forget the code for your bike’s lock and try out all the possible options. The estimates are \(\theta_0 = 5.218865\) and \(\theta_1 = 1.985435\), which are close to the true values of 5 and 2. They are common in optimizing neural network models. A grid of RSS values was created to match the a discrete version of the 2D parameter space for the purposes of plotting. It should be noted that both RSS and MSE can be used as a cost function with the same results as one is just a multiple of the other. Optimization is a core part of machine learning. As an aside, R’s lm function doesn’t use numerical optimization. ANNs tend to have many layers, each with a set of associated parameters called weights and biases. Consider the points \(p1\) and \(p2\). This book discusses one of the major applications of artificial intelligence: the use of machine learning to extract useful information from multimodal data. When finding your first minimum, you will simply stop searching because the algorithm only finds a local one. Optimization … To get started, you need to take a random point on the graph and arbitrarily choose a direction. BFGS is one of the default methods for SciPy’s minimize. So you have to choose the learning rate very carefully. It is typical to use OLS for linear models since it is the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) so that’s what I’ll use for our upcoming home-grown optimizer. If I follow the sign of the gradient, decreasing \(x\) when the gradient is negative and increasing \(x\) when the gradient is positive, then I’ll be moving away from the minimum. It can also be an interesting exercise to demonstrate the central nature of optimization in training machine learning algorithms, and specifically neural networks. The “L” stands for limited memory and as as the name suggests, can be used to approximate BFGS under memory constraints. This will allow us to easily see what the estimated value of \(\theta_0\) should be, approximately. It is one of several methods that can make use of a gradient function that returns a gradient vector that specifies the direction that $\theta$ should move for the fastest descent towards the minimum. Therefore, to improve the model’s performance, hyperparameters have to be optimized. I will use some of the same terminology that Chris McCormick uses in his blog post on Gradient Descent Derivation in case you want to cross reference this post for some of the derivation details that I won’t go into. where \(y\) represents the actual values from our data (the observed values) and \(\hat{y}\) represents the predicted values of \(y\) based on the estimated parameters. This is Gradient Ascent. 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